Somcable fails but bribes few journalists lack good ethics to smear Telesom
December 14, 2015 - Written by Cabays



Cabays Media:- Articles/Opinions –


Less than 36 hours ago, I have noticed from Somaliland media, press releases issued by few so called journalists who claimed representing Soja which meant Somaliland journalist association even though I am not sure their claim is right or wrong, but one thing is certain, these guys are short of ethics and short of code of journalism.

They also short of the role of journalism in the society, they call themselves journalists, but they did not know the definition of the journalism. Journalism is one thing and these guys are another thing. They are few persons that lacks good conduct, good moral, good ethics, ignorant about journalism, hired and bribed by the corrupt businessman Mohamed Aw Saed Gueide after his Somecable fibre optic company get failed.

The English by sea that connect between France and United Kingdom which is almost 560 KM by length and 63 meter by depth took to complete 6 years while Somcable fibre optic company running at present six years and not yet commissioned. With regard to Telsom, this company is shareholding owned by company owned by several hundred Somaliland citizens. This company is the most successful company, most reputable company, most helpful company to the society, most trusted company to the society, most liked company by the society, provided the highest number of employment, the best technology provider, the most growing company not in Somaliland but in the entire east Africa, the most famous company in Somaliland, the best services provider, the best customer care company, the most ambitions  company, the most inspiring company, the most ethics company, the most best training provider, the best stale company, the best visionary in terms of business, the best security company, the most reliable company, the best goals oriented company, the most admired company, the most advanced company, the highest ranking company in terms of transparency, the highest  contributor of our national development, the best management company, the best leadership company, the best work environment, the most committed company in terms of all aspects, the most care provider to his staff, the most cultural fit company, the most self-motivated, the most hard working company, the most enthusiastic company, the most team sprite company, the most self managed company, the most proactive company, the most productive company, the most detail oriented, the most creative company, the most honest company, the most communicator company, the best leadership quality.

The most autonomous, the best company that meets the expectations of their customers in 24/7, round the hours, even days a week and the entire 365 days of the year, most creditable company , the most in demand at all times, the humble company, the most positive company , the most eager company by all people, the most , the inner strength company, the most courageous company, the most respected company, the most constant improvement, the most industry knowledge, the most personalized approach, the best baseline satisfier, the best employee support, the most management effectiveness, the most professional strength, the most self-driven, the most confident company, the most marketing skills, the most target driven, the best relationship building skills, the best multitasking company, the most loyal to its customers as well as its staff, the most constancy , the most uniqueness.

The most passion, the most distinctive success, the most help others, the most filter and focus, the most highly organized, the most accountable company the most great collaboration, the most equity driven, the most integrity, the most commit to pay to its staff  and  the best problem solving skills. Any good quality that makes successful companies is equipped Telsom.  Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.

The starting point of all achievement is desire. People who achieve their goals do so with passion, planning, persistence and purpose. People have a tremendous capacity for outstanding achievement. There are also many extraordinary capacities that allow them to become high achievers. Taken into consideration, the attributes listed in the above, Telsom is recognized by 100 % of somaliland people both locally and overseas as the role model of successful company and those hired and bribed by Mohamed Aw Saed Gueidi to spoil the respected image of Telsom considered as very cheap propaganda.

The bottom line is, the achievement attained by Telesom in its existences considered as milestone. When ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity, those milestones truly are reached.Landing to the moon by Apollo 11 in 1969 was considered as historical milestone, equally the success of Telsom considered as historic success milestone. shortly, I will write a detailed article about those who attempted to spoil the image of the most successful company in Somaliland, but failed as our people considered them as call boxes that cannot function to operate unless you insert your money


Ismail Lugweyne.

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