Ethiopian army massacre more than 40 villagers in Gashamo distric in the Somali region
June 8, 2016 - Written by Cabays

Cabays Media:-
The ruthless Ethiopian army accompanied by the brutal Ethio-Somali police forces better known Liyo Police attacked villagers in the village called Jamac Dubad, east of Gaashamo town in the Somali region of Ethiopia.
Reports say on Sunday heavily armed police and military forces entered in the village and rounded up the poeple and murdered more than 4o people in a cowardly attack.
Some survivals contacted the people in villages rear Somaliland’s border and told the horrifying story of mass murder that took place in the normally peaceful community that are known as law-obiding citizens and co-operate with the Ethiopian government in pacifying the troubled Somali region in Ethiopian’s east.
“A heavily armed military and Liyo police have entered the village while people were doing their normal daily lives and rounded up all men and women and took them to part of the village and started shooting at close range, killing at least more than 40 people including women and children” said a survival from the attoricties committed by the Ethio-Somali police and the regular army in Jamac Dubad village.
“We were all at peace when all over sudden we were surrounded by armed men with uniform and started killing everybody ndiscriminately” said another survival who spoke to a report in a village closed to Somaliland.
There is interlinkage between the communities in the Ethio-Somali region and Somaliland and the killings in Jamac Dubad village created an outrage across Somaliland and there are calls for defending the people there and the Addis Ababa administration to intervene the situation.
The brutal attack by the Liyo police and some military army members were reportedly triggered by some Khat traders who were trying to smuggle into Somaliland a fully loaded truck of Khat and when intercepted by the Liyo police and stopped they exchanged a gun fire resulted the injuries of some of the Liyo police.
But when the Khat traders got away with their load and apparently crossed into Somaliland, the Liyo police and the army they called in for backup turned their anger at the innocent villagers who had no idea what happen outside their village of Jamac Dubad.
Somaliland prominent leaders includining tribal chiefs and members of the Upper House of Gurti, like the well respected elder Haji Abdi Warabe voiced their concerns about the attrocities committed by the merciless army that murder innocent civilians in their village.
“The number of people murdered are up to 50 as some sources suggesting the attack was a calculated and planned to eleminate the people living in that part of the Somali region” Said Ahmed Muse Obsiye who is memeber of Somaliland’s Guurti House and expressed their outrage of the murder of innocent poeple by the very police and army who were supposed to protect.
“We are speaking fo these innocent people because we’re linked with each other and we are the same people even though those murdered are in that Somali Ethiopian region” Said another member of Somaliland Guurti House who also spoke to the media in Hargeisa.
Many members of Somaliland’s House of Guurti and other prominent individuals are all calling for the president of the Somali region to do something about it and bring to justice to those committed murder in Gaashamo distric.
This is not the first time the Etho-Somali region police murder innocent people in the area but late last year similiar number of innocent people were killed by the Liyo police.
Just a last March more than 6o people were also murder by Liyo police in another village bordering with Somalia’s region of Mudug in a operation described as ‘tribal cleansing by the Ogaden ruling tribe’

victims of Ethio-Somai police brutality
Pictures of the some the murdered people, including an elderly women and a young girl are emerged and circulated in the social networks.
Somaliland government is expected to make a contact to the Ethiopian government as the people in both sides of the border have interlinkage and such actions of murdering innocent people could create a new situation and push some people to seek revenge and that could affect the stability and the peace between Somali communities in the Ethio-Somali region.
It’s not clear if the president of Ethio-Somali region, Abdi Ilay will do something about such barbaric acts of his forces and whether the Addis Ababa administration will pressure him to change course.
So far there is no word from the Ethio-Somali region officials about the murder took place in Jamac Dubad village and as the culture of the administration is they will try to cover up the whole incident and will probobly deny if this is happened as they have done in the past.
Cabays Media Staff