Somaliland National Team gets the first win against Chagos Islands at Conifa World Cup
June 2, 2016 - Written by Cabays



Cabays Media:-


The Somaliland National Team at Conifa World Cup gets their first win against Chagos Islands in Abakhazia today after suffering two loses to much organised and better experienced teams.

The first win and probably the much needed win will not just illistrate how good the Somaliland team can be at such stage where they first appeared on international platform with tougher teams competing.

Today’s game boost the moral of the team and their last game on Saturday will definately add to their points of success as they’re well prepared not to let any other team to beat them again.

The Chagos Archipelago or Chagos Islands is a group of seven atolls comprising more than 60 individual tropical islands in the Indian Ocean about 500 kilometres south of the Maldives island. And this team is the closest neighbor to Somaliland when comparing to other teams all coming from far away continents.

But the Somaliland team enjoys huge support by all Somalilanders around the globe and their membership with Conifa lifts the spirit of the nation which is denied its rights to be part of FIFA. The Conifa membership will also galvanise the Somaliland youth both at home and in diaspora as this team will also inspire many more.

Cabays Media congratulates the Somaliland Football Association UK which organised this amazing team and the the players that lift the spirit of Somaliland sports.