Weekly phone-in TV program reveals how Somalis are suspicious of Iranians presence in Somalia
January 12, 2016 - Written by Cabays



Cabays Media:-


Somalia might need every nation’s help to stand on its feet again, but when it comes which side should it stand in the Middle East conflict, the people inside Somalia and abroad almost share same feelings about any diplomatic relationship with Iran and Iranian presence in Somalia resonate with millions of Somalis and could spark protests.

The Thursday’s decision deliberated by Somalia’s cabinet minister revealed not only the apparent Saudi pressure on Somalia’s weak government to cut ties with Iran but also by the deeply suspicious Somalis of Iran’s motives in Somalia seems added to the unwarranted decision to suspend the ‘restored’ ties between Iran and Somalia.

The every Saturday’s Kaalinta Dadweynaha (people’s turn), a phone- in show on Kalsan TV which I raise issues that matter to Somalis in general and viewers express their views and opinions, the host noticed on last Saturday that perhaps surprisingly Somalis are more suspicious of any relationship Somalia has with Iran than any other country,  including Ethiopia which many Somalis see it as their arch-foe.


The host: Abdillahi M. Ali


Seven out of ten callers said they’re against Somalia to normalised relationship with Iran. Their suspicious is merely based on fear of Iranians spreading Shia Islam sector which unlike Sunni sector regards Ali as the legitimate successor to prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and rejects the first three Rashidun caliphs.

The callers that expressed their support for Somalia’s decision to cut the tie with Iran all mentioned their concerns for Somalia becoming another Muslim country with Shia minority. Others criticised the Somalia’s federal government for ‘restoring’ diplomatic relationship with Iran in the first place and they accused the Villa Somalia of  turning on blind eye on what they described as purposively turning Somalia into a Shia state by Iran through aide and providing assistance to Somalia’s needy people.

Some callers mentioned the Iranian aide agency called The Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation which they say it propagates Shia-ism in Somalia and it has turned some Somalis as Shia followers. The fear of Somalia becoming a Shia state resonated across the country and this kind of fear seems that it has replace Ethiopia as the country they strongly see as their enemy number one.

Somalians not only concern about their country’s territorial integrity, but also maintaining as a Sunni state. Iran is on Somalis lips these days as much as Ethiopia used to be. Perhaps what resonating Somalis fear of their country becoming another Shia influenced state has direct link with what is going on in the Middle East and just across the Red Sea, Yemen where Sunni vs Shia and Sunni refugees are crossing into Somalia for a safe haven.

But also on my Saturday’s TV program fewer people showed how dismayed they were on Somalia’s decision to join some Arab countries that shouldering with Saudi Arabia’s face-off with Iran.

Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar described Somalia’s decision to cut ties with Iran as credulous and unnecessary. Professor Samatar also warned  Somaliland not to follow Somalia’s foot steps and not to allow the Meddle East crisis to spillover and become part of the warning countries. But Somalilanders also have same feelings towards Iranians presence in their country.

Just on Tuesday a sixty-three years old Pakistani man was brought to Hargeisa’s court accused of propagating and spreading and teaching Shia beliefs in Somaliland. The court found him guilty despite of not having a lawyer and he was sentenced to one and half year of imprisonment and he is facing deportation.  This shows how people are uneasy about Shia believers among their midst.

Here is the video for the program aired live on Saturday.